Destiny is the meaning of the Royal Maze… destiny has brought you here and destiny is always NOW.
The term ‘New Age’ has been passed around so much since the Sixties that it has become something of a catch-all for anything outside the mainstream, with its meaning blurred and distorted, much like the surface of an old coin worn smooth from years of handling.
It is often referenced with a sense of scorn or derision by orthodox religion and the scientific community, which is somewhat curious, given that these two groups are seeming opposites.
Another curious aspect is that some of the elements in ‘New Age’ thought predate modern ideas, particularly Western philosophy. In a way, the name is almost a misnomer when applied in this fashion. It is far simpler to take the term for what it implies – a new age in our collective evolution.
It is also worth noting that despite what appears to be a 180-degree difference in religious and scientific views, when reduced to core principles, Oneness emerges as the basic tenet. The obvious truth is sometimes overlooked by focusing on disparities rather than seeing the connective nature of that all around us.
Today, the world of humanity is undergoing major changes on the political, economic, social, psychological, and spiritual levels. What we are experiencing speaks of something much larger and deeper… confronting us with the very survival of the human race itself.
It remains to be seen if the species can adapt and evolve collectively into a viable matrix to support the progression of the ONE CONSCIOUSNESS. SELF AWARENESS will find a suitable host, for that is what it does – UNITY is the Nature of Existence.
If you can believe or accept through faith or logic the existence of ONE Supreme Being or the notion that the observable Universe sprang into origin from a less than microscopic Singularity, then you are capable of grasping the concept of the ONE presented in the New Tarot for the coming age.
The statement in its entirety is this: ONE is in motion. That motion is love. YOU are that ONE in motion.
In their progressed form, the twenty-two trump cards that comprise the Major Arcana are each a Book containing both principle and understanding in the search for SELF. Each card or Book acts as a visual representation of a new consciousness. Together, they tell the story of ONE. It is a story that centers on attaining Self-realization through the ONE Motion. That motion is LOVE – the PRIME MOVER.
There is only ONE. The quest is in the Knowing. It is a battle that will be won in the trenches, One by One, until such time as the tipping point is achieved.
Who will engage the armed One? The battle lines of the Self are always drawn.
Shall your armor glisten in the sun till dusk? Victory comes only when the Self is met.
The battle is not new; it lies in the Heart, and the nature of it is most terrible.
Tho lashings may sting the outer Self, slings and arrows shall pierce it not.
The core remains untouched by such, and grows as it must.
We will prevail by design, with our sight set. Needed strength to do, is given.
The flesh may quiver, the pulse may race, emotions may falter; still you will do and win.
Naught stands against your weapon. It is not a thing apart, but is as a part of Yourself.
The still voice will not be stilled.
– John Cooke and Michael Bowen, 1968
This website is dedicated to the legacy passed down through John Starr Cooke and his collaborators including the late artist Michael Bowen (1937-2009). It was developed to aid those who seek their path to T-Ruth. We welcome you to join us at the Table.
Thanks and acknowledgement to Bobby Bishop, Mark Walker, R.W. Bruch, Chamba & Amy Cooke and David Jones.